I am going to talk about an area of your body called your inner unit otherwise known as your core.
By activating your core you will improve your posture and make your lower back stronger. You need to engage your core with everything you do wither it be during your exercises, to just walking town the street.
First of all we will start with the basic muscles that are involved in the core. It consists of four main muscles which create a cylinder, they are:-
Transversus Abdominis.
This muscle creates the front and side walls of the cylinder. This muscle is found beneath your abdominals, behind your belly button.
This muscle creates a lid to the cylinder. It is a dividing wall of muscle between your chest cavity and your core.
Lumbar Multifidus.
This muscle creates the back wall of the cylinder. The multifidus is the largest and most medial of the lumbar back muscles.
Pelvic Floor
This is a group of muscles which creates the bottom for the cylinder. It is made up of a number of muscles that support the pelvis and resist increased intra-abdominal pressure.
Step one,
I want you to imagine you have a piece of string running though your body, starting from your belly button and coming out of your lower back. Now pretend that someone has pulled that string tight.
Step two.
Now imagine you have a piece of string that is attached to the top of your head and pretend that someone is pulling that string up high (make sure that your shoulders are relaxed when performing this action).
Try and keep your core activated in all the actions that you perform, whether it is driving your car or walking down the high street. The more you engage the core the stronger it will become. As your core gets stronger it will start to activate by itself and in time your core will be activated in everything you do, making your lower back stronger, your posture better and stabilize your waist.
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